What is Low Iron Glass (Starphire) Glass?
When you look at all glass whether it is in your car, the windows in your home and even the mirrors in your home & car you will notice that they have a greenish tint or hew. This is more prominent when you look through the edge of the glass and in fact in ⅜” and ½” thick glass the edges can almost look black. This greenish hew is caused by the iron content that naturally occurs in all glass. When you remove Iron from glass it becomes more clear.
This can become very important when you want the color of the tile or marble you’ve selected to look the same when you’re looking through your shower glass as it does when you’re looking just next to the glass. Naturally Low Iron glass is more costly as it is a process to remove the iron from the glass.
Chris explains the difference between Starphire (low iron) glass and clear glass.

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